I have created an Ansible script to automatically update WordPress on a server. In this case the Ansible script runs locally on that server.
I think the script, that has been provided below, will explain itself.
- hosts: localhost connection: local tasks: - name: stop httpd systemd: name: httpd state: stopped become: true - name: backup html files archive: path: /var/www/html dest: "/home/centos/backups/wordpress-bck-{{ansible_date_time.iso8601_basic_short}}.tgz" format: gz become: true - name: backup wordpress database command: /etc/backup-wpdb.sh become: true - name: get latest wordpress unarchive: src: https://wordpress.org/latest.zip dest: /tmp/ remote_src: yes become: true - name: Wait until wordpress has been downloaded wait_for: path: /tmp/wordpress/index.php state: present - name: copy wordpress to website shell: /bin/cp -rf /tmp/wordpress/* /var/www/html/ become: true - name: delete tmp wordpress file: path: /tmp/wordpress state: absent become: true - name: start httpd systemd: name: httpd state: started daemon_reload: yes become: true - name: simple check website uri: url: https://www.petersplanet.nl
The command to run the script is:
sudo ansible-playbook -v update-wordpress.yml
The version of Ansible is: